Grace and Courtesy


saying hello and goodbye politely: looking in the eye and smiling (shaking hands)

welcoming a visitor:  looking in the eye and smiling, being hospitable


introducing people to each other


Please and Thank you


being silent, listening


being calm, speaking softly in the classroom


offering and helping others


table manners


waiting for a pause, attract attention, "Excuse me"

Opening doors

opening with care, using handle properly, closing gently

Moving quietly

moving around the classroom without disruption


giving way to others at a doorway


walking the line (increase concentration by carrying a bell, glass of water etc)

Using mats

defining personal workspace with a mat or carpet, rolling and carrying mats


walking around a mat




trays - initially empty, then with objects, then liquids


returning activities to the shelf


scissors and pointed items on a tray preferably, or held downwards


delicate items


heavier items


how to carry, stack and sit


how to handle books with care


how to answer a call




Click here to see our range of Practical Life equipment.

A huge thank you to everyone who has contributed to our ideas bank.
We take no responsibility for the safety of these suggestions - please always assess the risks of activities you present to children.

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