Montessori Links

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“ Absorbent Minds Ltd: Montessori equipment suppliers”.

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The Montessori Group

The Montessori Society AMI

Montessori Jobs UK - The UK's first independent online Montessori job board.

AMI UK - The Association Montessori Internationale

Maria Montessori Institute- Montessori training.

Montessori Education for Autism - Parent and child groups, lectures, training and practical help for children on the autistic spectrum.

Living Montessori Now- is an informative blog about using Montessori priniciples and methods in schools, homeschools, home and life in general.

Love Montessori- Montessori education, support and guidance in Aberdeen, Scotland from an AMI teacher and consultant.

The Montessori Notebook- Simone Davies, an AMI Montessori teacher with 15+ years’ experience, owner of Jacaranda Tree Montessori in Amsterdam

Montessori for Dementia, Disability and Ageing Supporting the quality of life for all adults, promoting the principles of dignity, meaningful engagement and independence throughout life.