Absorbent Minds
20cm Silicone Whisk
20cm Silicone Whisk
A 20cm silicone and stainless steel whisk, ideal for the Practical Life area.
Availability: Out of stock
Product Description
A whisk with stainless steel handle and multi-coloured silicone whisk, ideal for the Practical Life area.
Set up an activity tray with bowl, whisk, jug of water and bottle of detergent. You might like to mark the amount of water on the jug and provide a measuring spoon for the amount of detergent to give optimum results. You can extend the activity by having a grater to grate soap instead of using a lquid detergent.
ELG: Moving and handling: children show good control and co-ordination in large and small movements. They move confidently in a range of ways, safely negotiating space. They handle equipment and tools effectively, including pencils for writing.
These are real objects and have not been designed as toys, please always assess the risks of using these items.
20cm excluding hanging loop
Dishwasher safe.