Absorbent Minds
Numerals and Signs
Numerals and Signs
The wooden cut-out numerals 0-9 and plus, minus and equals signs are stored in a wooden box with 12 compartments and a lid.
Compartmentalised box, numerals, signs
Availability: In stock
Product Description
Numerals and Signs
Chiffres et symboles
The wooden cut-out numerals 0-9 and plus, minus and equals signs are stored in a wooden box with 12 compartments and a lid.
Compartmentalised box, numerals, signs
The numerals are 40mm high.
ELG: Numbers: children count reliably with numbers from 1 to 20, place them in order and say which number is one more or one less than a given number.
WARNING: Not suitable for 0-3 years - Small Parts: Choking hazard.
Box 29x13.5x2.5cm approx, Numerals 4cm tall, US print font